Hoe can is found LG Air Conditioner Service Center in Mumbai Near me?


Air Conditioner Service

repairservice8f 3 years 2021-08-13T10:22:43+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Looking for the best service for an air conditioner? It could be simple or major issues that you can’t rectify. The issues like gas leakage, blowing warm air, ducts damage, and water leakage, etc. However, it is not easy to rectify these issues and you need to call technicians from our LG Air Conditioner Service Center in Mumbai Maharashtra to rectify the issues. For your call, we respond quickly and rectify any issues quickly. We offer service at just Rs: 650/- per visit. We provide 100% genuine service and original spare parts with skilled technicians. Technicians will also replace the spare parts with a warranty of 30 days service and 90 days spare. You can call us on 8688821387, 9390110225.

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