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How Does Ayurveda Address Hormonal Balance in Women?

How Does Ayurveda Address Hormonal Balance in Women?

Ayurveda is the science of life that has long provided comprehensive methods of healing originating from India which is more than five thousand years old. Another essential area in which Ayurveda has shown a lot of effectiveness is in the regulation of hormonal imbalances common in women. Hormonal disorders are the root causes of several diseases and conditions they include; irregular menstruation, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid disorders, menopause, and others. This is because, Ayurveda offers holistic solution encompassing diet, life style modification, use of herbs and mind/body medicine all of which work synergistically to restore and balance hormones.

Ayurveda and Hormonal health knowledge
In Ayurveda, health is achieved through balance, particularly the balance of the three doshas: There are three doshas namely, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every dosha consists of the pair of elements and is charge of different physical and psychological functions within the human body. Imbalances in the hormonal system of the body are remarkably in synch with the imbalance or relative equilibrium of these doshas.

In women, hormonal fitness is always affected due to changes in Vata and Pitta doshas. The element Vata is responsible for movement and changes; if the dosha is off balance it can lead to complications in menstrual cycle as well as anxiety. For instance, pitta mainly correlates with heat and transformation, and hence, the increased levels of this dosha create inflammation and irritability. Thus, with the help of active activities and approaches for eliminating these imbalances, Ayurveda tries to restore the equilibrium failed in the human body’s endocrine system.

Dietary Recommendations
Food and nutrition have a significant concern in Ayurvedic therapy for hormonal disorders. Avoiding foods with qualities that aggravate the doshas and eating foods that strengthen the tissues will also decrease hormones. Here are some dietary guidelines:Here are some dietary guidelines:

Vata-Pacifying Foods: To improve Vata in women the diet should principally include cooked warm foods and foods that are heavy and containing oils. Which are the complex carbohydrates and Examples The starch – These are the cooked grains such as rice and oats The roots for example; carrots The nuts for example; walnuts The seeds for example; sunflower seeds The fats – These are the toasty ghee and the healthy olive oil. It’s also allows including ginger, cinnamon, and cumin in foods

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