Is there a London recording studio I can actually trust?

daviddixon 5 months 2024-08-01T13:59:18+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )


    I know your pain—I have used a few recording studios and have been extremely let down by the quality of the output. One thing I found when getting into the industry was the importance of finding a London recording studio that was actually worth the money. Some charge eye-watering sums of money for pretty substandard output. My budget is typically around £50-75 per hour, at the upper end.

    One location I like and can trust is Select Recording Studios down on Woodgreen. They are good—really good—and within my budget, too. They have been around for about 25 years in the game, so they know what musicians actually need. I would recommend checking them out if you want to find a place you can trust. I would certainly try them out.

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