can LG Refrigerator Repair Service Center in Mumbai provide the warranty service?


LG Refrigerator Repair Service

servicerepair02P 3 years 2021-08-18T11:03:48+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Do you want the authorized service for your refrigerator? We are near you to provide the authorized service for refrigerators. We have well-trained and qualified technicians to provide service for every refrigerator. If you want to hire skilled technicians simply contact LG Refrigerator Repair Service Center in Mumbai for the best service. They will rectify the issues quickly and also respond quickly to your call. We offer doorstep service at Rs: 300/- per visit. Our company provides service for out-of-warranty products only. If you need service contact us on 8688821743, 8688821393.

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