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Hot And Cold Cycle Test As per standard IEC 61215 At Kiyo R&D Center and Laboratory

Hot And Cold Cycle Test As per standard IEC 61215 At Kiyo R&D Center and Laboratory

Understanding the Hot and Cold Cycle Test According to IEC 61215 Standard At Kiyo R&D Center and Laboratory

In the world of materials testing, especially for solar panel manufacturers and engineers, ensuring the durability and reliability of photovoltaic (PV) modules is paramount. One of the critical tests to determine the longevity of solar panels is the Hot and Cold Cycle Test, commonly referred to as the Thermal Cycling Test. This test is a key component of the IEC 61215 standard, which outlines the performance and safety benchmarks for crystalline silicon PV modules. In this blog, we will explore what the Hot and Cold Cycle Test is, why it’s important, and how it is conducted according to the IEC 61215 standard.

What is the IEC 61215 Standard?

IEC 61215 is an international standard developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) that outlines the requirements for testing crystalline silicon PV modules. This standard ensures that solar panels are tested for a range of environmental conditions they will encounter during their operational life. It includes various tests to evaluate the panel’s performance under stresses such as mechanical loads, temperature fluctuations, and UV exposure.

One of the most significant tests within this standard is the Thermal Cycling Test, designed to simulate the extreme temperature changes that solar panels experience in the field.

The Hot and Cold Cycle Test: An Overview

The Hot and Cold Cycle Test is performed to evaluate how well a solar panel can withstand repeated changes in temperature. During its operational life, a PV module can face significant temperature variations, especially when installed in areas with harsh climates. For instance, a module could be exposed to high temperatures during the day and cold temperatures at night, which can lead to material expansion and contraction. This temperature fluctuation can potentially cause micro-cracks, solder joint failures, or delamination of the materials inside the module, all of which can degrade its performance over time.

The test aims to replicate these conditions in a controlled environment to ensure that the PV module is robust enough to handle temperature-related stress without significant performance degradation.

Key Steps in the Thermal Cycling Test (IEC 61215)

The IEC 61215 standard provides specific guidelines for how the Hot and Cold Cycle Test should be conducted. Below are the main stages of the testing procedure:

  1. Preconditioning: Before starting the thermal cycling, the module must be preconditioned at standard testing conditions to ensure it is in a stable state.
  2. Temperature Range: The test involves cycling the module between high and low temperatures. Typically, the temperature ranges from -40°C to +85°C. This broad range of temperatures ensures that the PV module is exposed to both extreme cold and extreme heat, simulating real-world conditions.
  3. Cycle Duration: Each thermal cycle consists of heating the module to the maximum temperature (+85°C) and holding it for a specific duration, followed by cooling it down to the minimum temperature (-40°C) and holding it at that level as well. A standard cycle usually lasts for 1-3 hours.
  4. Number of Cycles: The IEC 61215 standard recommends that the module undergoes a minimum of 200 thermal cycles, though in some cases, additional cycles (up to 600) may be applied depending on the specific requirements of the project.
  5. Performance Evaluation: Throughout the test, and especially at the end of the thermal cycling, the module’s performance is closely monitored. Electrical parameters such as power output, insulation resistance, and leakage current are checked. Visual inspections are also conducted to identify any physical damage, such as cracks or delamination.

Why is the Hot and Cold Cycle Test Important?

The Hot and Cold Cycle Test is crucial for assessing the reliability and durability of a solar panel. By subjecting the PV module to extreme temperature fluctuations, manufacturers can ensure that it will perform optimally over its expected lifespan, even in regions with severe environmental conditions.

Key benefits of the test include:

  • Identifying material weaknesses: The thermal cycling can reveal potential weak points in the module’s materials, such as issues with solder joints or encapsulants that could lead to premature failure.
  • Improved product lifespan: A successful thermal cycling test indicates that the module can handle real-world conditions, thereby improving the overall lifespan and reliability of the product.
  • Mitigation of risks: Early detection of potential issues allows manufacturers to address them before the product reaches the market, reducing warranty claims and improving customer satisfaction.


The Hot and Cold Cycle Test according to the IEC 61215 standard is a vital part of ensuring the quality and performance of photovoltaic modules. By rigorously testing PV modules under extreme temperature conditions, manufacturers can confidently deliver products that will stand the test of time, even in the harshest climates.

For More Info About Hot and Cold Cycle Test As per standard IEC 61215, Kiyorndlabs, Hot and Cold Cycle Test, Hot and Cold Chamber, Kiyo R&D Center and Laboratory

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