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Do hotels charge if you have a booking but do not stay at the hotel?

Do hotels charge if you have a booking but do not stay at the hotel?

Yes, hotels generally charge if you have a booking but do not stay at the hotel, and this policy typically depends on the hotel’s cancellation and no-show terms. For example, SGRT Hotels in Vellore, like most other hotels, usually has a policy in place regarding cancellations and no-shows.

Cancellation Policies: Most hotels have a cancellation policy that specifies how much notice you need to give to cancel a reservation without incurring a charge. If you cancel too close to the check-in date or do not show up at all, you may be charged a cancellation fee or the full amount for the stay.
No-Show Charges: If you do not show up at the hotel without prior cancellation, many hotels will charge a no-show fee. This fee can be equivalent to one night’s stay or the total amount of the booking, depending on the hotel’s policy.
Booking Terms: When making a reservation, especially for budget hotel rooms in Vellore or deluxe suite rooms, it’s essential to review the specific terms and conditions. These terms will outline the hotel’s policies regarding cancellations and no-shows, which vary from one establishment to another.
Advance Payments: Some hotels, including those offering budget hotel rooms for rent in Vellore or executive suite rooms, may require full or partial payment in advance. In such cases, if you do not stay and do not cancel according to the policy, you may forfeit the advance payment.
Travel Agents: If you booked through travel agents in Vellore, their policies might also influence your charges. Always check both the hotel’s and the travel agent’s cancellation policies to understand potential fees.
To avoid unexpected charges, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the cancellation and no-show policies of SGRT Hotels in Vellore or any other accommodation you book.

About SGRT Residency Vellore

Budget-friendly Hotel Rooms For Rent at SGRT Residency, Vellore Vellore, nestled in the Eastern Ghats and the Palar River basin, is a destination that offers both natural beauty and convenience. If you're planning a visit and looking for affordable accommodation, SGRT Residency is an excellent choice & Budget Hotel Rooms For Rent in Vellore.

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