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Domestic Violence Lawyers In Delhi |SHARKS OF LAW|

Domestic Violence Lawyers In Delhi |SHARKS OF LAW|

Domestic violence in India generally involves violence by blood relatives or male family members. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, defines domestic violence and provides legal remedies. Before this, Section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code governed domestic abuse, protecting women from cruel treatment by their husbands and in-laws. Section 498-A addresses dowry harassment and both mental and physical abuse but lacks provisions for victim compensation and applies only to married women. The Domestic Violence Act of 2005 addresses these gaps.

Types of Domestic Violence Against Women in India:

  • Physical Abuse: The most common form, involving any act causing physical pain or endangering life, limb, or health.
  • Sexual Abuse: Includes marital rape, which is generally not illegal unless the woman is under 15.
  • Verbal and Emotional Abuse: Involves threats or harmful words, leading to emotional distress.
  • Economic Abuse: Denying or threatening financial resources or assets.

Women facing these abuses can seek divorce with the help of a domestic violence or divorce lawyer, who will handle the paperwork and offer expert advice.

Domestic Violence Lawyers in Delhi:

Sharks of Law connects you with top domestic violence lawyers in Delhi, offering expertise in significant legal venues like the High Court, Supreme Court, and various tribunals. Experienced lawyers help with family disputes, matrimonial issues, divorce, property disputes, and criminal matters. Before hiring, consult with Sharks of Law to understand your specific legal needs, saving you time and money.

Sharks of Law educates on legal issues and promotes critical thinking. For legal consultation, contact [email protected] or call +91-88770-01993.

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