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Play the best golf at Golf Club Hamburg by Golf Lounge GMBH

Play the best golf at Golf Club Hamburg by Golf Lounge GMBH

A golf lover or who is going to start learning golf? Look no further! Golflounge GMBH is announcing that we’re hosting a Golf Club Hamburg this winter season. From beginners to seasoned pros, our facilities and community are great for every level of skill!

Why Golf Club Hamburg?

  1. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Golf Club Hamburg offers state-of-the-art amenities, including a perfectly maintained 18-hole championship course and driving range with practice greens allowing you to make the most out of your game.
  2. Beauty: Situated in the stunning landscapes of Hamburg, you can enjoy breathtaking views while playing your round on our course which is beautiful and peaceful.
  3. Community and Events: At Golfclub Hamburg, we also like to support local events, building a community defense in golf. Get regular tournaments, social events, and golfing clinics. Great way to meet other golfers and improve!
  4. Professional Coaching: If you wish to swing your way into lower handicaps or just learn the necessary basics, our expert coaches at Golflounge GMBH have got you covered. GET A COACH One-on-one guided sessions are available to help you soar in the sport.
  5. Easy Accessibility: Golf Club Hamburg is conveniently located so that going even with your family center, offers the ideal break from metropolitan life.
  6. Membership Benefits: Include Official golf club entry: with preferential tee times, discount for tournaments, and access to member-only sections

Join Us Today!

Do not be left behind when one of the leading golf addresses is in Hamburg. Whether it is a question about membership, incoming events, or how you can experience the best out of Golf Club Hamburg, we will help: visit our website or contact us!

See you on the greens!

About golflounge

Die Golf Lounge Resort ist längst mehr als nur Europas modernste, innerstädtische Driving Range auf drei Ebenen, sondern mittlerweile zu einer der innovativsten Golftrainings-, Freizeit- und Eventlocations der Stadt gewachsen. Direkt an den Elbbrücken werden Golf und Event perfekt miteinander verknüpft – für Golfinteressierte, Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und die gesamte Familie. Hier geht es neben dem Sport um Unterhaltung, Spaß und Geselligkeit in einer ganz persönlichen, familiären Atmosphäre. Durch ihr vielfältiges Angebot bietet die Golf Lounge neben einer hochmodernen, innovativen Trainingsplattform auch eine stimmungsvolle Eventlocation für Firmen- und Privatfeiern. Mit diesem ganzheitlichen Ansatz will die Golf Lounge möglichst viele Menschen unkompliziert und ohne Zugangsbarrieren an die faszinierende Trendsportart heranführen.

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