Air Canada Cancellation Policy Refund ?


Can you cancel flights with Air Canada

You can cancel your Air Canada flight within 24 hours of purchase. The airline will provide a full refund without penalty.

I want to cancel but it has been more than 24 hours since I bought the flight. Don’t worry, you still have options!
For online reservations
You can cancel your reservation online if:
You originally booked your flight on;
You are canceling your entire reservation; Y
You are canceling your flight at least two hours before departure.

Basic economy class ticket
Air Canada will not allow you to cancel a basic economy ticket unless it is canceled within 24 hours of purchase. However, there are some circumstances in which you can cancel and request a refund if Air Canada changes your flight schedule by 2 hours or more, if you have military orders, or if you or your traveling companion dies.

What if you don’t know someone who would like to use your Air Canada flight?
Don’t worry, that’s why SpareFare is here to help! SpareFare is a platform that allows you to sell your unused flights to other people and get back some of the money you had paid for the flights. SpareFare provides fraud protection to buyers and sellers to ensure safety, that way no one will lose their money.

smith4845 3 years 2021-05-20T12:49:27+00:00 0 Answers 0

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