Hoe can I found Haier Service Center ?


Haier Service

service8V 3 years 2021-08-14T12:52:33+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Can you tell me you have any issues with your appliances? If you have any issues you need to troubleshoot your appliance first. After troubleshooting, you need to clarify whether your issue is major or minor. If it’s a minor issue you can contact Haier Service Center in Lucknow for the best service. They will rectify the issues quickly and replace the spare parts without any damage. You can believe our service for sure. For every visit, we charge Rs: 350/- per visit. We offer service at the doorstep to customers. If you need service you can call us on 7997951915, 8367781391.

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