How can businesses incorporate inclusion tables to create a more inclusive environment for all patrons?

The Inclusion Table 3 months 2024-09-26T12:45:41+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Businesses can incorporate inclusion tables to create a more inclusive environment for all patrons by implementing the following strategies:
    1. Physical Accessibility: Ensure that the tables are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair users, by providing adequate space around the tables and seating options that accommodate different needs.

    2. Diverse representation: Display diverse imagery, artwork, or materials on the tables that represent a variety of cultures, backgrounds, and identities to make all patrons feel included and valued.

    Inclusion Table

    The inclusion table is an easy-to-use adjustable table, designed to be wheelchair friendly.

    The table is 4’ x 4’ in size with four individual sections that can be adjusted both vertically and horizontally (up/down and in/out) independent of one another with two hand toggles at each section for quick and easy adjustments.

    Create a Variety of Seating Options:

    • Offer a Mix of Tables: In addition to inclusion tables, businesses can offer a variety of seating arrangements, such as high-top tables, booth seating, and outdoor seating, so that all patrons have options that suit their preferences and needs. However, inclusion tables should be prioritized in main dining areas for optimal accessibility.
    • Inclusive for All Patrons: Consider the needs of other customers who may have disabilities, such as elderly patrons or those with visual or hearing impairments. Inclusive design should address the diverse needs of the broader customer base, not just wheelchair users.

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