How often do I need to clean an aroma diffuser?

AbbyNixon 3 years 2022-05-31T12:49:20+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Personally, I believe the best way to maintain a diffuser is to do two styles of cleaning with different regularity. A “basic” cleaning that you do after every use, and a more in-depth cleaning you do every couple of weeks, or at most once a month.

    As seen on this website run by a UK diffuser manufacturer, your typical defuse needs to be rinsed and washed daily or after every use. Preferably using neutral soap, always following manufacturer instructions. That’s the “basic” cleaning, and it’s important to ensure the quality of the aroma. Even the best aroma diffuser in the market won’t smell good if there’s a bunch of random oil residue mixed in the bowl.

    The in-depth cleaning consists of using rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth to cle8an the reservoir and other components of the diffuser more thoroughly. This will help get rid of any dust or residue that might have built up over time. Stuff that water and soap alone couldn’t get rid of.

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