How to be Eligible for North Caroline HUB Certification?


Historically underutilized businesses (HUB) is business that is certified by the state and the local government. For most jurisdictions, it is company-level diversity certification that is generally issued by State Government to push the business which is primarily owned by minority or women. Each city and state has its own certifying organizations’ HUB’s rules that could be a little different. But here, we are particularly going to discuss the North Carolina state HUB Certification eligibility criteria.

• You must complete and submit the SWUC (Statewide Uniform Certification) application form and all the documents to the HUB’s office.
• A business must be at least 51% owned by a minority, including Asian Pacific American, Hispanic American, Native American, African American, and/or American woman.
• 51% of owners must be US citizens.
• Your company should not have more than 50 employees, which includes sole proprietorship, home-based business, or independent contractor.
• The person should belong to North Carolina, and they should have proof of all the required documents.
• Your annual revenue should be less than $1,500,000.
• No active bankruptcies or tax liens.
• Should have an independent business located in North Carolina.
• Certification is for socially and economically disadvantaged persons, who manage and control daily business operations.

If you are applying for the Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE), first you need to be eligible for the NC HUB certification. Once you are approved for the DBE, you will need to contact the HUB office.

For more information, please visit

nchubcertification 2 years 2021-11-08T13:14:25+00:00 0 Answers 0

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