How to deal with unnecessary anxiety in your life?


If you are anxious then you are blessed with a lot of spare time, how do you manage the time to indulge in anxiety? It’s an indulgence to be anxious, to be worried, that some really big misfortune is going to fall on me, indirectly you are asserting that you are so big that you can attract a big misfortune, are you that big, has anything really big happened to you. But don’t know why many people find pleasure in worry. Now, what is the solution to all this? “The opposite of this self-centered worry is the immersion in action, immerse yourself in the right action then where is space and time to worry”. Surely you are stealing time away from work. So that you can indulge in worries, anxieties, and fancies of all kinds. You are busy imagining that something very auspicious very scary can happen to you in the future, indirectly what you are asserting that presently you are all right. Are you really all right? When you are saying what if tomorrow such a bad thing happens. Aren’t you claiming that right now things are almost okay for you? But you convince yourself that you are almost alright and therefore you don’t want to look at it. You want to avoid that and that’s why you manufacture all fancies of anxiety. If you want to get rid of all your fancies anxiety and depression then you need anxiety treatment in West Palm Beach.

therapistinwpb 3 years 2021-04-16T12:32:27+00:00 0 Answers 0

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