Is it easier to get PR in Canada or Australia


“In general, it could be said that migrating to Canada is slightly easier than Australia, although there are many caveats to this. Unlike Australia, Canada has more categories (occupations) available for migration. Also, the points system for Canada PR is supportive for individuals having young age and work experience as low as 3 years.

Applying for permanent residency in Canada is relatively easier and has a faster visa processing time than Australia. It also costs less as compared to an Australian visa. Although, Australia has a relatively higher pay scale than Canada. So, make your choice and make it right.

Though, the higher you score in your Australia point test, the easier would be for you to get Australia PR. Hence, you must focus on achieving your dream to migrate to one of these countries by doing a thorough research and hard work.” Learn more @

prasanthmoorthy 3 years 2021-06-01T14:25:38+00:00 0 Answers 0

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