Is laser vein removal safe?
Vein removal is understandably scary for some people but you’ll be pleased to hear that it’s not dangerous at all. It’s been used for many years, almost without incident. It actually doesn’t involve the removal of your veins. Rather, it merely reduces their appearance. The surgeon doesn’t have to make any cuts or enter your body at all. Instead, they fire a laser at the vein. This closes the vein off so that it can no longer be used. The blood then flows into other veins and your body functions as normal.
I recently had laser vein removal in Hammersmith. I’ll be honest, I thought it would hurt. However, they actually numb the body part in question. For me, it was my thigh. They completely numbed it so I couldn’t feel a thing. The procedure was over in no time at all and I didn’t suffer any side effects. You can book yourself in for laser vein removal by heading to this website.
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