What are tableau data extracts?


A Tableau information extract is a compacted picture of data kept on a disc that is imported into memory when a Tableau visualization is needed. For a working definition, that’s reasonable.
TDEs are useful for assisting data analysis and data exploration due to two elements of their design. A TDE basically is a tabular story.
In TDE, the columnar databases will store column values instead of row values. Hence, there will be a decrease in input/output necessary for accessing and aggregating the digits in a column.

Scraping Intelligence 3 years 2021-09-20T10:09:38+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. A Tableau information extract is a compacted picture of data kept on a disc that is imported into memory when a Tableau visualization is needed. For a working definition, that’s reasonable.

    TDEs are useful for assisting data analysis and data exploration due to two elements of their design. A TDE basically is a tabular story.

    In TDE, the columnar databases will store column values instead of row values. Hence, there will be a decrease in input/output necessary for accessing and aggregating the digits in a column.

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