What are the reasons and effects of Fatty liver disease?

NationalNutrition 3 years 2022-06-14T09:09:54+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Fatty liver disease is a condition where large globules of fat accumulate in the liver cells in a process called steatosis. It most commonly occurs in those with excessive alcohol intake or in those who are obese (alcoholic or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease).

    The most common causes of fatty liver are metabolic disorders created by alcoholism or by metabolic syndrome conditions such as: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and dyslipidemia. For more information on metabolic syndrome, please click here. There are other, more rare metabolic disorders, nutritional deficiencies and drugs that can also cause this condition in some cases. In each case the metabolism of fatty acids becomes defective and fats are not properly used by the body, leaving them to build up in the liver. Because of the growing obesity epidemic in North America, these conditions are becoming much more prevalent in our current society. Estimates are between 10 and 25% of the population suffers from some form of fatty liver.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of people with fatty liver disease will have no idea that anything is wrong. Symptoms of this condition begin to appear only when the liver is damaged and begins to undergo cirrhosis. Once this occurs, symptoms of fatigue, fluid retention, muscle wasting, increased bruising, abdominal fullness, and jaundice will occur. If you are experiencing more than one of these symptoms you should seek medical attention.

    For more details visit https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/articles/health-concerns/fatty-liver-disease/

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