What does intuitive machine precision mean?


Intuitive machine precision, or precision machining services, is a method of removing material from a workpiece that can include a range of different processes, such as milling, turning, and electrical discharge. Most often, precision machining services employ computer numerical controls (CNC) designed to be more efficient and provide greater quality control than manually performing such duties. The parts that are manufactured from the precision machining process range from everything from pencils to complex electrical parts. When it comes to precision machining, users must be trained to follow complex blueprints designed by CAD or CAM programs like AutoCAD or TurboCAD. This software produces three-dimensional diagrams that can then be entered into the computer connected to the precision machining equipment. Precision machining services can be used with a variety of materials, such as glass, graphite, bronze, steel, and more.


To learn more about precision machining services, contact the team from Integral Machining online today or call (905) 847-1565.

imachseo 4 years 2020-08-25T14:18:11+00:00 0 Answers 0

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