What is Hypoglycemia and how chromium helps in reducing it ?

NationalNutrition 3 years 2022-06-23T17:50:52+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Typically the hypoglycemic will often have seemingly uncontrollable cravings for carbohydrates, and an equally seeming uncontrollable fatigue – especially in the early afternoon.

    Blood sugar levels must be maintained within a specific range for optimal functioning of your whole body – for both your body and your brain. Without a healthy level of sugar your body loses power, and your brain gives you a message (in the form of a craving) to eat more sugar. When you do, your energy is increased, but only temporarily. The surge in sugars causes your pancreas to secrete a large quantity of insulin to metabolism the sugars you just ate, which often causes your blood sugar to drop again. This is the yo-yoing effect that hypoglycemics often feel – from high energy to low energy. Complicating matters is something called insulin resistance, which is when the body becomes tolerant to the level of insulin your pancreas produces, resulting in its inability to digest and absorb carbohydrates effectively. This may eventually lead to diabetes. Insulin resistance can be caused by ingesting too much refined sugar, or by a chromium deficiency.

    Importance of Chromium

    Chromium is an essential trace mineral that your body needs to metabolize carbohydrates properly. It is just as essential as other minerals like calcium. Insulin needs chromium to function; without enough, it is like having a full tank of gas in your car, but no oil in it to allow the engine to move and drive the car forward. Unfortunately chromium is very difficult to get from food these days due to soil depletion. A convenient way to get enough is by taking a chromium supplement. The most active and absorbable form is chromium picolinate which is available in 200mcg and 500mcg potencies. Taken with meals, it will help ensure that your insulin has the cofactor it needs at the right time during the digestive process

    For more details check https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/articles/health-concerns/hypoglycemia/

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