Answer ( 1 )

  1. Shingles is an infection that occurs as a result of the reactivation of the chicken pox virus. After an initial chicken pox infection (for most people usually as a child) the virus remains in the central nervous system. It can be reactivated during periods of weakened immunity, from extreme stress, other illness or therapies that suppress the immune system.

    The length and severity of each outbreak varies. Attacks may begin with flu-like symptoms. Then the virus inflames nerves just below the surface of the skin causing burning pain and redness. The characteristic water-filled blisters emerge, burst and crust over but usually do not leave scars. Nerve pain can last long after the infection retreats. The outbreak usually happens along one nerve branch, on the back, chest or face but ocular eruptions do happen and can have serious complications. Shingles is contagious only to those people that have not had chicken pox in the past.

    There is no known way to eradicate the chicken pox virus with conventional medication. If antiviral medication is used to treat an outbreak it must be administered within a few days of the onset in order to decrease symptoms. Pain medication, ranging from over the counter medication to narcotics, is used to control the pain. Pharmaceutically manufactured capsaicin cream and lidocaine are used for topical treatment.

    Nutritional supplements can help in cases of shingles in three different ways: by boosting the immune system, by reducing the symptoms, and by helping the body cope with stress effectively.

    lysine for shingles
    shingles diet
    supplements for shingles

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