The figures and statistics paint a horrible picture as one in five Indian are suffering from
mental health problems, and there are only 3500 psychiatrists available for a 133crore population.
It is discovered during investigations that genetic vulnerability along with depressed environment
creates the conducive place for the disease to proliferate.
There are numerous reasons for the alarming numbers of mental health quandaries like it is still
treated as taboo, a lot of misinformation, people are still not able to decipher that there are various
subsets of this like bipolar disorder, low feeling, aggression and anxiety.
Answers ( 5 )
The figures and statistics paint a horrible picture as one in five Indian are suffering from
mental health problems, and there are only 3500 psychiatrists available for a 133crore population.
It is discovered during investigations that genetic vulnerability along with depressed environment
creates the conducive place for the disease to proliferate.
There are numerous reasons for the alarming numbers of mental health quandaries like it is still
treated as taboo, a lot of misinformation, people are still not able to decipher that there are various
subsets of this like bipolar disorder, low feeling, aggression and anxiety.
It is one of the expensive treatments because of the growing and less information further
exacerbates the predicament.
It is paradoxical that people are connected more than before in ballooning digitalization and
connectivity but still feels disconnected.