Can the IOL be replaced if it doesn’t work properly?


It’s very unlikely that the implanted IOL won’t function properly. However, it can be replaced with a different one if necessary. Your surgeon will usually take a decision regarding such an exchange if required.

The ICL (Implantable Contact Lens) is a state-of-art refractive error solution that is ideal for anyone who has the need or desire for removal of power with high quality of vision correction. ICL or Implantable Contact Lens, as the name suggests, is a kind of lens which is implanted into the eye and does not require frequent removal like a normal contact lens. This phakic intraocular lens has numerous advantages including its correction of the widest range of myopia (near sightedness), hyperopia (far sightedness) and astigmatism (cylindrical ?power).

> ICL can correct a wide range of vision errors by permanently inserting a Contact Lens in front of the natural lens of the eye. ICL is a kind of soft contact lens which is inserted into the eye through a very small incision.

> Just like LASIK it takes only 5-10 minutes for the procedure. ???????

> The lens is customize according to each eye’s shape and size.

> Widest power correction range from + 10D to – 20D with cylinder upto 6D.

Vinayak Netralaya 3 years 2021-04-27T18:02:14+00:00 0 Answers 0

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