Do I need an attorney to file a lemon law claim?


As a general rule, the answer is no. You’re not legally required to have an attorney in order to file a lemon law claim. That said, it’s still generally a good idea to hire an attorney to help with your lemon law case. Especially since you’ll most likely get legal assistance for free.
This is thanks to one of the neat details about lemon laws. If you win your lemon law claim, the company responsible for the car will have to cover your legal fees. This means your lawyer gets paid without any money coming out of your pocket — no fees. And you won’t have to give up a percentage of your claim’s award either.
As you can see on this Los Angeles lemon law attorney website, the result of these laws is that lemon law attorneys often guarantee that clients won’t have to pay any fees. They only pick cases they are sure they can win, and on the rare occasions where they lose, they still won’t charge clients for any legal fees.
Combine that with the fact that working with an attorney is easier and may allow you to get a bigger payout for your claim and there is no reason to go without an attorney.

MartinHoffman 2 years 2022-03-18T09:12:52+00:00 1 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )


    There is no need for an attorney to file a lemon law claim, but there are several services like novelty assessment, Prior art searches, Validity and Invalidity searches. A patent search will be helpful to know whether your invention is new 0r existing.

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