Does a “bad-looking” weld mean that it was not done right?


How can I distinguish a good weld from a bad one?

JakeClayton 3 years 2021-11-05T12:53:57+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )

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    There are different processes used in welding and to determine what qualifies as a “good” weld, you have to take a closer look at each process and its specifications. But regardless of the process used, you can somehow gauge how good (or how bad) a weld is by looking at the quality and structural integrity of the finished product.

    Many tests can be used to determine strength and quality and one example is the dye penetration inspection. A trusted company that provides welding services should also be able to guarantee clients that the company can perform such tests to determine strength and quality.

    4 Fabrications Ltd is a trusted company that truly takes pride in the quality of its work. When required, they can carry out dye penetration inspection, pressure tests, and other means to determine the strength and quality of the weld. They offer the following welding processes: (1) TIG welding, (2) MIG welding, (3) Spot welding, and (4) CD stud welding. To know more about these processes, as well as their other Sheet Metal Fabrication Birmingham services, visit

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