How hard is it to set up SMS customer service?


It’s not hard at all, especially if you already have a trained customer support team. I thought the process was going to be complicated when I first tried it, but it turns out there are tons of text messaging platforms for business out there. And these come packed with all the tools you’re going to need to start offering customer support via text.
One of the most obvious advantages of using such a platform is the ability to set up automation. This means you can set things up so that customers will get automated messages when they text you out of business hours, or so that they’ll get a confirmation text telling them that a customer service representative will answer the question shortly.
These platforms also make it easy for many users to monitor all the texts that arrive on your business phone number, which makes it easier for big teams to collaborate when dealing with SMS customer service requests. 

Michael Carroll 3 years 2021-10-28T08:04:53+00:00 0 Answers 0

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