How to Place a Bluetooth Speaker to Get the Best Possible Sound?

nextgen-park 1 year 2023-05-11T11:10:51+00:00 0 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Bluetooth speaker placement & positioning tips-


    Positioning your speakers correctly can make them sound significantly better. Generally speaking, you’ll want your speakers to be facing directly towards you, and sitting on a hard surface about 24 to 48 inches high. Another good tip is to keep the back of your speakers a few inches away from a wall or another hard surface as this will improve bass response. If you get too close though, the mid-range can start to sound muddy.

    Some readers have found that keeping the speaker in a nook or a corner can also improve sound quality and bass response, by letting sound reflect off hard surfaces behind and be redirected towards you. Don’t go too far though; keep some space around the speaker and don’t fully enclose it. Tiled rooms, like bathrooms, are particularly good at reflecting sound, but of course, you’re unlikely to host a party in your bathroom even if it does have better acoustics!


    The shape of your speaker also has an effect on its sound. Speakers like the Joyroom will work best placed facing their intended audience, while cylindrical speakers can be placed in the center of a room to fill it with sound. While these cylinders can be placed on their side, generally you’ll get better sound when the cylinder is upright as intended. It’s also possible to find speakers in light bulbs, which are great for providing light background music. If you’re using two speakers together (e.g. stereo), then making an equilateral triangle with your position can be a great idea.


    While we can provide general guidelines, every person’s environment and listening preferences will be different. The best thing to do is play 30 seconds of a piece of music that you know well, then make a small adjustment in positioning (e.g. move it away from a wall). Listen again, and adjust again. Once the sound starts getting worse, return to the last good place that you had, and you should have found the perfect placement. You can also adjust the angle at which speakers face you, the surface upon which they rest, and other factors. Take a few minutes to experiment, and you should be able to improve your speaker’s audio quality and benefit from that knowledge every time you use it going forward.


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