Is it important to conduct SEO for a site?


These days digital marketing is in trend instead of traditional marketing and most importantly this SEO thing is in trend but nowadays mostly whatever is in trend is not always important. si is SEO really important.

Zoyakhan2125 3 years 2021-01-08T08:25:58+00:00 2 Answers 0

Answers ( 2 )


    SEO is the utmost important for any website or business if they want to be visible online. Whenever someone search anything on the goggle they rarely go to 3rd or 4th search page to find the related content, so if your website doesn’t come in the at least at 3rd or 4th search page of goggle, it will be really difficult to increase traffic for your website. That is when the SEO comes in role. It helps business in increasing it web ranking so that it is visible in goggle search easily, increase brand awareness, traffic, conversions, customer experience, and much more.
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    SEO is made up of multiple different elements, and knowing what they are and how they work is key to understanding why SEO is so important. In short, SEO is significant because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers.

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