What are the alternatives to write ‘Please find attached’?


Alternatives for ‘Please Find Attached’ phrase

ethanhest31 3 years 2021-08-05T10:31:00+00:00 1 Answer 0

Answer ( 1 )


    You might be getting a lot of emails with “PFA.” The purpose of this body content text is to ensure that the file doesn’t remains unnoticed. But, ironically several mails remain unread due to same body text, ‘PFA’. You shall ignore using this phrase as first, it is overformal and outdated. Plus, there’s no need if the email is sent with the sole purpose of sending file. So, opt for better alternatives of Please Find Attached.
    Here is, The attached item includes, Enclosed here, etc. are the few alternatives to PFA.
    To find more alternatives of PFA, read the blog on The HR Digest- “10 FRESH WAYS TO WRITE PLEASE FIND ATTACHED.”
    I recommend this as I came across the article and realized the need to replace this over used phrase.

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