What is Cloud Computing Services?


I want to know about the cloud computing service. aquilaclouds.com

Aquilaclouds 4 years 2020-07-24T05:48:07+00:00 2 Answers 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. … As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.

    Retunes it Media Best Cloud Computing Services company in Hyderabad Accelerate your development whether it be cloud-enabled or cloud-native. We leverage AWS and Azure cloud services to provide flexible and scalable digital solutions.

    Cloud Services

    (AWS & Azure)

    Cloud Enabled: cloud-enabled application is an application that was moved to cloud, but it was originally developed for deployment in a traditional data center.

    Cloud Native: cloud-native application is an application that was developed with the cloud principles of multi-tenancy, elasticity (scaling) and easy integration in its design.

    Cloud Agnostic: cloud agnostic means moving the application/solution from one cloud to another without much impact to the IT systems and business processes.



    Cloud Computing means using the internet to access someone else’s software running on someone else’s hardware in someone else’s data center.

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