When Can I get a refund from Loganair?


If you have cancelled the flight, then you have to satisfy the refund policy first, and then you can get the refund. Many of you must be looking for How do I get a refund from Loganair, so to know this, you can stick to this write-up. Here you can learn about the policy and process to get a refund.

What is Loganair airline refund policy?

You can get the refund only when you cancel the booking before the flight departs.
When you cancel after the departure, you will be put in the no show condition.
You can get the full refund only when you cancel the bookings within 24 hours of purchasing.
Now, you can get a full refund even in the case of involuntary cancellation of airlines.
You can cancel the tickets just before the flight depart without bearing any kind of cancellation charges.
You can get the refund only when you have a refundable ticket and purchase from the official website of airlines and cancel in the active span of time.

Now, you can see that you are eligible to get a refund or not; if yes, then you can follow the below-mentioned process to get the refund.

Process of getting refund from Loganair airlines

To get a refund, you have to fill refund form of Loganair airlines
In this form, you need to mention three things
First, you have to share the details related to the tickets like the number and number of passengers
Second, you have to mention the payment mode that you have used during the booking
In the third one, you have to mention the reason behind the cancellation of the tickets
Now, click on the submit option

How do I get in touch with Loganair?

Once your form gets a review, you will be provided with a refund. If you are not getting a response, then you can contact to Loganair customer service team and get the status of the refund applications.

rosekim 3 years 2021-09-30T11:05:09+00:00 0 Answers 0

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